Why Choose Us

We offer an initial home review safety inspection, a report of listed items with linked photos, document sourcing and expediting, as well as the home plan measuring and CAD drafting. Because of our efficient setup, we able to obtain your permit more quickly and economically.

As a licensed and experienced home inspector, Richard Warden is able to identify safety issues and possible code violations related to rentals and help to have them repaired prior to the owner receiving any potential fines. As an architectural graduate, he’s able to oversee the correct measuring and accurate CAD drafting of house plans for the permit and expediting process.

Our DBA received a Gold award for Dan’s Best of the Best 2019. Our long list of satisfied clients testifies of our reliability and high level of quality.

We are located in Southampton, NY, and have easy access to all of the Hamptons for a quick and efficient response time regarding any pressing needs.

We offer a 100% satisfaction guaranty to work on any issue until you are satisfied. On top of all this, we offer a special discount of 15% for senior, veterans, EMT’s, firefighters, local government workers, the ADA community, and more.


Copyright 2007 to present