Rental Permit Expediting

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The subject of rental permits is increasingly becoming newsworthy. Towns on the East End are increasingly cracking down on landlords that do not have permits for their rental homes. Both summer rentals and year-round rentals require permits in most towns on the East End and South Fork. The Village of Sag Harbor and Southampton Village, however, are two types of exceptions where rental permits are presently not required, as of the writing of this post. But you should double check with local codes for any rental issues that might be of concern regardless.

If you are a tenant renting an apartment, be aware that you are also presently liable for fines, not just the landlord, if you are renting a home in the Town of Southampton. And realtors are also liable to some extent in their professional reputation and in their duty of care and service to understand rental permit laws and to warn their clients of possible fines. In any event, the costs of obtaining a rental permit are negligible compared to the average rental income.

Each town is different, but in most local towns the process of obtaining a rental permit is based on a few main key issues. First, a schematic layout of the home plan is needed. We use our own computer “CAD” drafting because it is accurate, professional, and easy to edit. Plus, the professional drawings can be used over and over again every two years, when the rental permit must be renewed. Second, any safety / code violations in the house should be noted and addressed. We can provide handyman services for small repairs, or you can hire your own preferred workers. Third, an application is prepared and, and once accepted, a formal home inspection is scheduled and facilitated in order to verify that the house is not hazardous.

Once the registration fee is paid and the house is approved by inspection, the rental permit is issued. This is the process in a nutshell. If you would like the assistance of a professional expediting agent, call SHI for immediate help with measuring and drafting floor plans, home preparation, and inspection scheduling for the East End of Suffolk County. Our fee is extremely competitive and our DBA company Southampton Home Inspections received a Gold award from Dan’s Best of the Best 2019, and a 100% success rate in obtaining rental permits for our clients. If you have any questions, call us and we will be happy to help you.

Click the number to call us by cell phone, or text us for a free quote:

631 377 2046

Suffolk NY Home Inspections LLC (SHI)
123 North Sea Rd. #691
Southampton, NY,

Tags: rental permit expediting, Hamptons rental permit expediting service, Hamptons expeditor, Hamptons expediting service, Hampton Bays expeditor, Sag Harbor expeditor, Quogue expeditor, Westhampton expeditor, East Hampton expeditor,, Hamptons rental permit expediting service, rental processing agent, how to apply for a rental permit, steps for a rental permit, expediter cost of a rental permit